Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not tell my boys I was going to snuggle their sister at nap and then fall asleep before she did. Nope not me.

I did not wake up to two boys dressed in their sister's Sunday dresses and blue lipgloss on their eyelids. Nope not at my house.

I did not send said boys to a campout with blue lipgloss on their eyelids. Nope I would never do that.

I did not fuss at my kids about not getting dressed for the day and then realize I was still in my pjs. No way, not me.

I did not cover the kitchen table in flour and encourage my 3 monkeys to "draw" just so I could have five minutes in bathroom. Not me.

I did not leave a bag of chocolates on my desk and find my youngest monkey surrounded by wrappers. Not me.

And there you have it. Have a great Monday.



  1. Flour on the table...that is a WONDERFUL idea.

  2. Love the flour on the table idea! And I am known to fall asleep while putting baby to sleep as well.
