Monday, October 12, 2009

Great Day!

Well, I am wrapping up another day. I am a little tired but content with a great day. We started our day with a nature hike before the rain started. We filled up paper bags with pine cones, needles and whatever else they liked. Then we had our morning devotion. We role played the pharisee and the tax collector praying at the temple. It was so neat to see the boys act out the story. It has been so awesome watching Caden start to grasp who God is and what Jesus did for him. Them we sang some praise songs. If you see Sophie ask her to sing Holy, Holy, Holy. Then we rolled out finds from our nature hunt in playdough and talked about texture. We had our reading lessons. Caden is so excited about reading his first words. Ethan played a game with letter cards. Spell as many words as you can in two minutes.(He loves a race). I didn't realize he was going to try to spell every potty word he could think of. Oh well, he did great sounding them out. We did fractions while baking a yummy new cake recipe. Lots of tickling, hide and seek and chase.(That was PE) Great school day for me. The boys spent the afternoon pretending and building with tinkertoys. Sounds like a great day right? Well we hit some turbulence about 5:15. As I was changing clothes and getting ready for my volleyball game Sophie cut her hair again. I had no idea she could reach that high. It had just grown out from the last time. Then we get 10 minutes down the road and Ethan informs me Sophie peed in her panites and on the carpet. I love days like today. I have a great time with the kids. They were excited about their lessons for the day. Found a great new recipe. They played well together, I got all my house work done and got to hang out with my hubby and watch a little TV. Sounds like a great day to me.


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