Saturday, October 10, 2009

I did it.

I finally did it Pam. I have created a blog. Granted it is not perfect but I am up and running. This is for my three monkeys, Ethan 6, Caden 4 and Sophie 3. I regularly send funny, scary or gross stories to my friend Pam. She has been encouraging(nagging) me to start a blog and share my life with others and have a record for my monkeys. I hope that others who read this page will find a laugh, a cry some encouragement or all three. More to come. Please remember I am in process. Be patient.

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!!!!! I am sooooo proud of you. I'll send some people your way and you can see how many followers you can get.
    I'll put a link on mine.......YEAH!!!!!!
