Sunday, October 11, 2009

My favorite day of the week

I just love Sundays. I sometimes find myself unable to sleep because I am so excited about Sundays. I love to go to church to worship, learn and fellowship with other believers. I especially like to sing. I start most of my days with music and we have worship time every morning for school. I love how God uses music to minister and heal our hearts. Have you ever started singing and felt like every word sung was being branded on your heart? That is how today was. It was a wonderful time of praising God for who HE was, is and forever will be.
I especially enjoyed looking out from the choir loft and seeing my boys singing at the top of their lungs. Their joy and love for God written on their face. They have complete trust and faith in their Creator. Watching their unwavering trust reminds me of how often I don't completely trust God but try to intervene and work things out on my own. What great accountability my children are. They keep me on my toes, not only physically but spiritually too.

Well, we have had taco soup and tickle time on the couch. It is nap time. Sophie is waiting for me in the guest bed to snuggle and I hear the boys snuggling(wrestling) with Dad. Time to go get all my "kids" to sleep.


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