Monday, December 13, 2010

Taking Advice

Yesterday as we had a celebration of my dad's life at his house there were times when I was wanting to scream STOP, everybody freeze, let me get my paper and if you will share one at a time and give me time to write every word that would be great. I wanted to write what I was hearing, write what I was remembering, write what I was feeling. When we got in the car to leave Troy said I think you should get back on your blog and write. Last night I sent an email to a friend, who got me started blogging, to fix my blog up(which looks great Pam) because I knew as soon as she felt better she was going to throw the journal word at me. Then I got an email this morning from another special friend encouraging me to write, write, write. So, here I am. I am going to write it all down. It will be personal and maybe ugly at times but I pray for healing. I am doing this selfishly for me. So why blog where anyone can see it because it seems to come out better this way than when I hand write something. This is my Journey of Grief...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweetheart,
    I am glad that you liked the new set up. I tried to find something that reminded me of you and this was the one I landed on. I have been and will continue to be praying for you. Know that I/we are here anytime that you need us.
    WRITE, WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. This is yours and don't worry what others think. Your openess may cause someone else to experience the healing that you are going to have.
    Love you dearly!!!!!! Miss you so much and yes, Starbucks is in the future!!!!!!
