Thursday, December 24, 2009


It's Christmas Eve. My hubby has run out to be an elf and help put some toys together with a friend. My monkeys have pulled the mattresses off their beds and are "sleeping" in my room tonight. (As if that is different than any other night minus the mattresses). We have had a great day spent focused on our Lord and having some great family time. I will talk more about our family day later but tonight's post has a particular focus because as great as the day was my heart was heavy all day. You see at 8:30 this morning I got a call from my sister. She had called to tell me that a dear friend of the family, Grace, had died of cancer yesterday and they were holding the funeral today. Grace was not just any "friend" of the family. She was a very special lady. She lived next to me when I was growing up. Her granddaughter(which lived with her) was my best friend. So, she was like another Mom. I spent nearly as much time at her house as I did at my own house. If you are not in the mood for a particularly long post you might want to stop but I need to remember. As today progressed I recalled so many great memories of Grace. She always had a smile on her face, she was ready to take you in and love on you but she would keep you in line. I think she called me Tara Brooke as much my mama did. Dusty and I always got into mischief and I was scared of Grace. She wouldn't think twice about turning me over her knee. I quickly learned to use the basement door to escape punishment. I always knew she loved me. I was with Grace watching the Challenger, home from school with the chicken pox. Grace was always good at putting things into perspective when my parents divorced. She was always very supportive of Troy and I and our relationship. She just has always been there. When I heard the news this morning I was sad, but then I was scared. I wasn't sure if Grace had Jesus in her heart. I had talked to her about it but never gotten a clear answer. But tonight I am rejoicing because in October(not long after I had my last visit with her) she called her pastor and as she would say"took care of business". I am rejoicing tonight because she is feeling no more pain. She doesn't have to worry about the sun on her skin. She is basking in the radiance of Her Lord. I am heartbroken for her family who will miss the matriarch of their family. My friend Dusty I am praying for you as I know you are feeling lost without her. For Ricky who was the only boy and boys and their mamas have something special. For her whole family who is grieving this wonderful woman who played such a big part in their lives. I am praying for you and I am rejoicing tonight because we know without a doubt where she is.

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