Thursday, February 17, 2011

Things Realized

I have had a lot going on in my head lately and I have come to realize a few things, some are new revelations and some are old things I have been reminded of.

1. The desert isn't always a bad place. Look at the Israelites they were led and feed by God for 40 years.

2. The mountain top experience is always worth the climb.

3. When on the mountain top be careful not to look down at people still climbing.

4. God's timing is always right on time.

5. Just because an experience isn't a good one doesn't mean it is not a God one.

6. Although Christian books are great, nothing should replace my Bible.

7. The Bigger and harder it gets to hold my babies the more I want to.

8. Reading great books, looking for worms and making cookies for the neighbors IS home schooling.

9. I do not have to live in Mommy guilt because I missed the boat on something. I just need to catch the boat.

10. A nice chai latte can soothe the savage beast.

11. Peeing in my pants while chasing my kids and jumping on the trampoline are inevitable but worth it.

12. My knees are not nearly calloused enough.

13. Living a life of thanksgiving truly changes your perspective.

14. Surrounding yourself with people that live a life of thanksgiving makes all the difference.

15. I can't do it all myself.

16. It is okay to trash everything and start over.

17. The Mommy "hat" is the hardest, most rewarding and most forgiving hat I wear.

and last but certainly not least God is so good.

1 comment:

  1. amen and amen and amen and amen and amen!!!!!!!!!!!! and may I please borrow some of this!!!!!??????
