My name is Pam. I am one of many of Tara's friends. Also lovingly known as "Ta-Ta" by my 3 year old. Tara has been "away" from her blog for some time as you can see from her last post a while back.
I chose to "Hijack" her blog today to tell her how much I care about her and how much I pray for her. How much she means to me. How precious she is not only to me but to all of those around her.
We joke frequently about the fact that she can "call me out" on something that no one else is brave enough to and I can do like wise with her. We can go for a run and I can challenge and push her and then be "lovingly" called "Jillian".
She is dealing with a lot of change and a lot of things that someone in their 30's don't really think about having to deal with. She has been such a strong woman of faith. She is encouragement and compassion and love and grace and understanding. She is such an awesome friend.
She doesn't know that I am doing this and she may kill me when she finds it. If you have stopped by today and found my post, I would ask that you would pray for her. Leave a comment in the comment section. She would love to hear from you. I am not at liberty to share details and pray that she would be able to use this blog to share her heart, her frustration, her joys and her excitement on here. I'm including at the bottom of this post one of I believe her favorite songs by Kari Jobe. We have posted it a couple of times on our Women's Ministry Blog and we have talked about it on numerous occassions. Tara, it is my prayer for you!!!!! Rest, Renew and Regain your strength in Him. He is what we need!!!!!! I love you dear sister!!!!!!!
2 favorite scriptures to challenge and encourage you with.
Psalm 121 and 1 Sam 12:23.
Love you,
This song got me thru the roughest part of my life so far...hope it helps. Tara, I'm praying for you and I know our faithful Lord and Saviour is right by your side!