Friday, July 16, 2010

Pam, you win.

Okay, so how can I not respond to being hijacked. Pam is a dear dear friend and I just had to laugh yesterday when I received her email that at the end had a "oh fyi I hijacked your blog." So, I moseyed on over here and I love what she wrote. It was very encouraging and I do love that Kari Jobe song. I am in a very difficult situation. I don't know if I am ready or able to put down my thoughts into words. But for those of you who are praying I will tell you this much. My dad has been placed in a nursing home. He has hepatic encepalpathy, which is basically alcohol induced dementia. He has no hope of returning home. I am his power of attorney. My sibling and I aren't seeing eye to eye on how to handle things. Of all the scenarios I had prepared myself for with his alcoholism this is one that never crossed my mind. I am physically, emotionally and mentally spent but spiritually I am full. I am leaning on my all in all and He is being faithful and filling me up. I can see how He has been preparing me for this and I am trusting Him to "work all things for good...according to his good pleasing and perfect will." Please continue praying for me as I get things settled. I am not promising that I am "back" but we will see. Today I am just resting. Spending time in my pj's watching cartoons with my kids. Resting that God is in control and I am grateful. Thanks Pam. I needed a (not so gentle) push. Love you.

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