Friday, April 9, 2010

Mama cat

This phrase has new meaning to me because we just had a litter of kittens. I saw that Mama cat get all protective and the claws come out when she thought her babies were in danger. Well, I became the Mama cat yesterday. Ethan had to get his first cavity filled. Let's say that it did not go very well. There were a series of events that had me out of my chair, claws drawn ready to protect my baby(I know he is not a baby anymore, but you get the point). I don't think I have ever had this experience before. Most people would describe me as laid back and easy going with the kids, but I have to say I was anything but laid back yesterday. I was ready to pounce on that dentist. I did let him know I was extremely unhappy and needless to say we left with no plans of returning. Two things came from this situation. 1) Was my reaction was pleasing to God. I don't want my reaction to a situation deny Christ presence in me. Not sure if I did that or not. Still working through it. What I do know is that His mercies are new each morning and whether or not I acted the right way or not God is perfectly able to forgive me, love me, challenge me and show me how to perservere through trials in ways that prove His Spirit resides in me. I had a lot of people praying for yesterday's visit. Do I now think the prayers weren't answered? No, they weren't answered in the way I had hoped but He works all things for good for those that love Him according to His perfect will and I can see His provision and his leading in this situation. The second thing I saw was a new appreciation for the sacrifice God made by sending his one and only son to die for us on the cross. God watched his son in great pain and he allowed it because of His love for us. Wow!

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