Do you ever have those weeks where it would be a lot easier to complain and whine than to find the blessings God is giving you? I had a week like that, I would like to say that I chose at all times to see God's blessings but I didn't. Finally, I heard a whisper through my complaining and I started seeing Him all around me. This week I saw God's blessings in..
7. the bright stars that He placed in the sky
8. friends who stand in the gap.
9. hard work and the ability to do it
10. a husband who calls just to say good night when we are apart
11. little boys who have a Daddy they want to mimic
12. a song He wanted me to sing
13. a brother reading stories to his siblings
14. a week at home with no plans except to celebrate Easter
15. family even if we can be somewhat "dysfunctional" at times
Thank you God