Monday, March 29, 2010

holy experience

Do you ever have those weeks where it would be a lot easier to complain and whine than to find the blessings God is giving you? I had a week like that, I would like to say that I chose at all times to see God's blessings but I didn't. Finally, I heard a whisper through my complaining and I started seeing Him all around me. This week I saw God's blessings in..

7. the bright stars that He placed in the sky
8. friends who stand in the gap.
9. hard work and the ability to do it
10. a husband who calls just to say good night when we are apart
11. little boys who have a Daddy they want to mimic
12. a song He wanted me to sing
13. a brother reading stories to his siblings
14. a week at home with no plans except to celebrate Easter
15. family even if we can be somewhat "dysfunctional" at times

Thank you God

Monday, March 22, 2010

holy experience

I am trying something a little different here on Mondays. I want to make me life all about worship and thankfulness. So, I am going to be looking for 1000 gifts from the Lord big and small. I want to glorify Him in all things. I am praying that He will open the eyes of my heart and I will see how good He is. I will begin posting them on Mondays from the week before.

1. for fingernail polish spilled on the floor
2. for egg shells in the scrambled eggs
3. for laughter
4. for dancing
5. for dirty clothes under the bed
6. for warmth, sunshine and a back yard

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Little Life

1. Have you ever had a celeb sighting? Yes, I saw Tammy Faye Baker eating at Snappy Lunch in Mt. Airy, NC

2. What temperature do you keep your house? 68 in the winter and 76 in the summer

3. Do you notice dust at other peoples homes? yes, on the ceiling fans

4. What's the worst job you ever had? babysitting these two kids for the summer. They wanted their mom to stay at home so they made up stories like I was saying I would not feed them unless they did the dishes and they tried to break this collectible thing their dad had to blame it on me. It was a long month and then I quit.

5. What is your most sentimental possession? A framed poem and dried rose that my hubby sent to me while we were dating and a tootsie roll in a glass tube that my dad gave me after we had a huge argument when I was 13 and going through a chubby stage. It said dieters emergency kit, break when you need a fix. We both laughed and it helped heal the hurtful things we said to each other.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Little Life
1. What's your guilty pleasure? Books, I love to read and I love a new book that hasn't been opened.
2. What is your favorite TV series? NCISLA I love suspense, mystery and of course Chris O'Donnel
3. Can you speak any foreign languages?Yes, but I usually don't broadcast it. I have had little practice and I get nervous. No, I am not telling which one.
4. How many pairs of shoes to you own? I think 8 2 tennis shoes, 2 flipflops, boots and Sunday Shoes.
5. What's your favorite kind of M&M's...peanut, almond, straight up regular, etc.?Peanut, is there another kind?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Countdown has begun

We started the countdown today till the end of school. 50 days left. It is snowing again here and the kids are tired of being inside. I thought we needed something to look forward to. I think maybe I did too.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is with you , He is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.

A few years ago I was sitting in Suzanne's house starting a new Bible study. I can't remember which one(I didn't get to finish it because of scheduling conflicts with Troy's job and the kids.) What I do remember is we were asked to read several Bible verses and pick the one that meant the most to me. I read this verse and honestly was ready to head home right then. I had never read that verse that I could remember. I remember being absolutely floored that the Lord of the universe took great delight in me. That he rejoices over me with singing. Wow. I have been on a long journey of seeing who I am in Him. I have found a new identity. An identity that is not founded in my accomplishments or achievements but one that has nothing whatsoever to do with me and everything to do with who God is. I had fallen into a miserable trap of finding my value in what I did. I have done it my whole life. I was always striving to be the best at sports and academics and I was good. I succeeded and had medals, scholarships and certificates to prove it. I was good at my job and well liked. When I got married we had a great relationship. I cooked and cleaned and supported my husband and loved it. Then our kids started coming and I prided myself of being able to "have it all together". I was the master of schedules, organization and meal planning. But with each one I became more frustrated with myself. I was overwhelmed and felt like I was swimming upstream. By the time Sophie was a year old I felt like a complete loser. My house was a wreck, my kids watched way too much TV, I still had "baby" weight to lose and I was a basic mess. I convinced my self that I was a failure. I had no worth or value to anyone. It was a very hard place. Then I read those words "the Lord delights in me and He sings over me." Those words brought a small bit of light to a dark place in my heart. I wasn't fixed overnight but God has been using those words to change my view of myself. It has taken almost 2 1/2 years to actually believe them. But I do. My house is very often still a mess, my kids still misbehave, I still have some baby weight to lose, I am often overwhelmed but the darkness has lifted. Because no matter what I am a child of the King. I am His beloved. He takes great delight in me and rejoices over me with singing.

Not me Monday

It's that time again. I really only have a few since we have spent most of the last week with the stomach flu.

I did not let Ethan come downstairs and watch olympics with me until after midnight after everyone else was asleep. He really was having a bad dream and needed some extra snuggle time.(or that's what I told myself)

I did not throw the school books out the window and threw the bikes in the van on the one warm day last week and took the boys on a bike ride.

I did not not believe Sophie on Friday morning when she said she was going to throw up because she had been well for over 24 hours and think she was playing the sympathy card to get to watch Curious George.

I did not find out a few minutes later, while I was using the bathroom, that she indeed was telling the truth as she said "Get up mommy quick I am going to throw..."

I did not jump up with my pants around my ankles to tend to her and have to boys walk in a say "Momma we see your big hiney".

Well, Hope you are having a good Monday