Friday, March 18, 2011


Yes, I have been struggling. Is it okay to say that in this world where no one really wants to know the heart of another? When we are so busy that the perfunctory "How are you" is just a habit and not a craving for the knowledge of another persons hurts, difficulties, and joy. When you respond any other way than "fine" you get raised eyebrows. Well, raise your eyebrows. I am not fine. I am really struggling. I have seen God's hand working in so many ways. He has comforted me and loved me through some hard days. I know He will continue, but I have lately I have felt like I am listening to a great song on the radio that is not coming in too good. You know you can hear the music and the words but there is so much static that it is hard to concentrate on the song. That's how I feel. The static in my life is distracting me, it is keeping my focus off of God and His goodness. I see it,I recognize it but I am not sure how to get rid of the static. So, I am struggling. I want to live this life to the fullest. To embrace every moment as the gift it is but then I hear the static. I want to run away from it all and just have quiet, but that is not practical. In fact, the scream that just came from downstairs is telling me that there will be no quiet any time soon.:) Lord, I need you to show me how to get rid of the static.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you Sweetie. Trust me!!!!!!!! We are having one event after another and there is lost of static. I would give anything to run away and just be quiet. Reality will not let that happen. So for now, I sit in His presence. I feel His presence and know that no matter what, He is not going to leave me and will love me anyway, no matter what kind of day I am having. Hang on to the hem of His garment and let Him fill you up!!!!!!!
    Love you!!!!!!
