Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I think most Moms will agree that the supper hour(5:00 for me) is a tad bit hectic. Today I discovered a full proof way to make this a less stressful time.
So, I was in the kitchen fixing catfish, slaw and potatoes. I had two trying to sneak snacks, one saying if she didn't eat her leg would fall off. I am calmly proceeding with supper but then the whining and fighting starts. My patience was beginning to run then and it is actually early for supper. I (in a not so sweet voice) told my children to get out of the kitchen. They left and then started running in circles chasing and scaring each other. The screams were deafening. This is when I discovered how to make meal time stress-free. I opened the oven to get the potatoes out and the smoke alarm went off. I couldn't get it to stop. When the piercing noise stopped all was quiet. The kids had fled the noise to the boys quiet room upstairs. I finished preparations, set the table all in peace and quiet. So, next time you need a little peace during that hectic time of day just burn supper. It tasted just fine with ketchup.

Good to be back.

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