Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where have you been?

I have a few people who have asked, "Why haven't you been blogging?". Well, here is the answer for those who read my blog. I basically break my time into 3 parts. Fall semester, winter semester and summer break. This past Fall I was excited and ready to go and before I knew it I had over committed. I was teaching 2 different groups, doing a in-depth study of Romans, home schooling, working part-time, picking up some of my hubby's duties because of his work schedule and took on a leadership role at my church. In the midst of that I started blogging. About mid-November I started running out of steam. I was tired, unprepared, my house was chaos and I felt pressured. I knew people were checking my blog and reading it and I didn't want to let people down, so, I would stay up late to work on it. Needless to say God finally put on the brakes. He very clearly showed my that my priorities had gotten out of whack. My kids were miserable and I was miserable. Over the holidays and through the new year God has been doing a work in me. He has been revealing things to me about myself that have swept under a rug for years. There has been anger, sadness, tears, submission and finally freedom. I feel my priorities are getting back in order. I have dropped everything outside of my home except one leadership position(and I have become very good at delegating). I am more patient and consistent, my kids are happier and more obedient and my hubby is normally smiling when he walks in and smells a good meal and has a clear path to the kitchen.
I am not sure that it is time to share all the details of what God has been doing but I am thankful that His mercies are new each morning. I am thankful that He is still doing a work in me. I have been praying for a Kingdom perspective, I have been praying that my faith would become the air I breathe and the very lifeblood of who I am. So, blogging is something I do if I have time. I would like to blog twice a week but feel no pressure. I would appreciate your continued prayers as I press on toward the goal.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I think most Moms will agree that the supper hour(5:00 for me) is a tad bit hectic. Today I discovered a full proof way to make this a less stressful time.
So, I was in the kitchen fixing catfish, slaw and potatoes. I had two trying to sneak snacks, one saying if she didn't eat her leg would fall off. I am calmly proceeding with supper but then the whining and fighting starts. My patience was beginning to run then and it is actually early for supper. I (in a not so sweet voice) told my children to get out of the kitchen. They left and then started running in circles chasing and scaring each other. The screams were deafening. This is when I discovered how to make meal time stress-free. I opened the oven to get the potatoes out and the smoke alarm went off. I couldn't get it to stop. When the piercing noise stopped all was quiet. The kids had fled the noise to the boys quiet room upstairs. I finished preparations, set the table all in peace and quiet. So, next time you need a little peace during that hectic time of day just burn supper. It tasted just fine with ketchup.

Good to be back.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I did not fall down my stairs and have bruises down my back.
I did not get up in 13.5 degree weather to start a running program on a Saturday morning.
I did not cheer so loudly when everytime Ethan scored a basket that I looked like a loon.(NC word for crazy person)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Growing Up

Well, today we hit another milestone. Ethan played in his first basketball game. He had a great time and he played well. I seem to get all choked up lately at the smallest thing. He is growing up so fast and sometimes I just want to hold on my chest and rock him and sing to him. He is reading chapter books, he is tying his shoes, he is playing on a basketball team. Each day he makes more steps towards independence and although I know those are all things that need to happen, I am a little sad. Today we sat on the sidelines and cheered for his team. We took pictures and videotaped. We clapped extra loud when he scored a basket. The smile on his face was absolutely priceless. Don't you agree?

Monday, January 4, 2010

I did not throw caution to the wind and eat whatever I wanted over Christmas and gain 6 pounds in December. Nope I would never to that.

My boys did not ride their remote control motorcycles down the steps and knock a chunk of drywall out of the wall.

We did not have a New Year's Eve party that lasted until 2:00pm on January 1st.

I did not leave the fireplace unattended and have a log roll out and burn a hole in the carpet. No way, I always use extreme caution.

Happy Monday